餐 廳 簡 介

當今清水歷經幾十年的推陳出新,得天獨厚之人文資源,孕育出精湛的美食文化。”食不厭精”、”膾不厭細”。福宴海鮮樓創立於民國84年(1995),多年承繼傳統、研究創新,聯合烹飪同好常加切磋,為提升中華美食,不遺餘力,小有成就,拜賜於老饕的口碑相傳、肯定,至使名廚、名菜相得益彰,也成為新聞媒體追蹤報導美食的目標之一,象徵著「 中臺灣美食 」的典型封號,可謂實至名歸。
福宴並於民國96年(2007)10月喬遷全新登場,擴大營業,改以「 福宴國際創意美食餐廳 」相見,站地1500坪,以超高雄偉,華麗空間,千萬燈光音響設備,宴客場地一次可容納1800位,並留有一條寬敞、優雅「 藝術行廊 」要使美食與藝文再次結合自居,讓來賓能享受美食佳餚外,亦可感受到心靈的愉悅,是目前海線地區,唯一最具規模的餐廳。


Introducing Full Yuan International Creative Delicious Food

Full Yuan International Creative Delicious Food (福宴) is located at ChingShui; which is by the west seacoast of TaiChung County; and adjacent to DaJa river at north and WuChi, ShaLu, and LongJing at south. The east half of ChingShui is neighbor to TaiChung City and the tableland of DaDu mountain, and the west half is a seacoast plain that is adjacent to not only mountains but also the sea, famous for beautiful sceneries, and abundant with fish products.

Thanks to the hard work of our ancestors, ChingShui has been prosperous and has become an important base of culture and arts in central Taiwan. One of creativity that has been developing for a long time is the art of exquisite Chinese delicacies. Now local residents as well as visitors to ChingShui can enjoy authentic Chinese delicacies that are among the best in the world.

In 1995, Full Yuan Sea Food Restaurant was officially established.

With a mission to upgrade and promote Chinese cuisine, Full Yuan chefs inherit traditional Chinese cooking, keep designing new dishes, and constantly improve Chinese dishes by exchanging ideas with other excellent chefs.

Delighted with Full Yuan Sea Food Restaurant’s dishes, gourmets in this area voluntarily spread Full Yuan Sea Food Restaurant’s name around. Now Full Yuan Sea Food Restaurant is famous for its renowned chefs and dishes. As a result, Full Yuan Sea Food Restaurant becomes the focus point of local media for its reputation and popularity.

In October 2007, Full Yuan Sea Food Restaurant, renamed as Full Yuan International Creative Delicious Food (福宴), moved to the current spacious location, with an intention to expand its business greatly. Now Full Yuan International Creative Delicious Food (福宴) can accommodate 1800 guests at the same time, equipped with million-dollar modern digital hi-fi equipments and beautiful decoration in 5000 square meters.

Full Yuan International Creative Delicious Food (福宴) is unique in this area also because there is a spacious and graceful art gallery exhibiting various kinds of arts, such as painting, calligraphy, and sculpture, etc… Therefore, guests can appreciate arts while in the restaurant enjoying delicious food.




台中県の西海岸に位置する清水(牛罵頭) 、北は大甲渓、南は悟棲、沙鹿、龍井、境内東半部は台中市、大肚山台地に臨み、西半部は清水海岸平原(台中港) 、山に依り海の傍という風景は美しく、海産物に富む。先人の大変な苦労と努力により繁栄し、清水が中部芸術文化の重要な鎮となったのである。
清水は数十年渡りたえず古いものを新しものへと換えることで、今日の独特の人文資源をもち、美食文化を作り出している。福宴海鮮樓は民国84年(1995) に創立され、長年の傳統を継承し、新しものを研究し、それらを聯合してよりよいものをつくり、中華美食をよりいいものにすることに力を尽くし、おかげで今では大変な評判をいただき、料理人もメニューもご好評をいただき、メディアーの美食の報道の目標の一つにもなるほど、『中台湾美食』の典型と象徴されるほどである。
